New funding from Excellence Initiative – Research University

07 08 2023
Category: Funding
Our PhD student, mgr Piotr Cieciórski has received a new source of funding from “Excellence Initiative – Research University” in “A complex programme of support for UW PhD students” from our university.
“Excellence Initiative – Research University” is a programme of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, which gives the University of Warsaw opportunities to raise the level of quality in scientific activity and education and, as a result, to increase the international prestige of the University’s activities. One of the objective of the programme is: through the scientific activities of the University, there will be increased impact on the development of world sciences, including the priority research areas with high development potential.
Project Leader: mgr Piotr Cieciórski
Project title (English): New polymeric materials based on photoresponsive block copolymers
Project title (Polish): Nowe materiały polimerowe na bazie fotoresponsywnych kopolimerów blokowych
Funding: PLN 30.000 PLN